Copywriting services

Before moving full-time to photography and videography, I worked as a content creator writing blogs, marketing emails, product descriptions and web copy. It’s a second passion of mine that I like to keep aflame with my blog and the occasional article or two for clients - but I’d love to do more! 

I’m a contributing writer for Pixelz, who provide retouching services for photo studios around the world but I’m able to write about more than just photography. It is rare, but on the occasions that I’m asked to shoot images for a blog that I also get to write, I feel like I do some of my best work! 

If you have any questions or want to work together, I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch.


During my three years on the digital marketing team for UK fashion retailer, FatFace, I worked predominantly on marketing emails but much of the blog content I wrote is still live on the website and being repurposed to this day. Look deep enough and you'll spot me!


Love in Lockdown

Looking forward to half-term

Flippin' great pancake recipes

Spring forward to summer

Get Christmas wrapped early


I love photography and I love writing. So when I get to write about photography for Pixelz, well... y'know! They're a brilliant company that offer impressive retouching services for photography studios.


The Challenges and Rewards of Retouching Film

Film Isn't Dead

The Importance of Retouching Style Guides

BDT Marketing

The lovely team that I've been with for over a year now. BDT is an in-house agency within Hampshire County Council supporting a variety of services. Before moving over to my current role in media, I spent six months with their amazing content team!


Climbing personality quiz

Crew Adventures

How to build a bird box